
원어민강사 채용 공고 (job offer in Yangsan)

쿤재쿤2019.12.13 23:09조회 수 150댓글 0

    • 글자 크기

상업적 홍보 금지(동문 기업의 프로모션글 제외)


Hi, everyone. Here is an offered job from Queen's English Studio for native English teachers in Korea. We are currently working with an amazing teacher with over 20 years of teaching experience. Unfortunately, the teacher is about to leave the country and therefore we need to find another one who has a lot of experience. The most important thing for us is the experience the applicants have. We need a passionated teacher with positive attitude who can teach and love students. We can offer better salary and working hours than other places without any deduction for unfair reasons. We respect diversity of each teacher we have and respect their own ways of teaching.


Here are some guide lines of the place and working condition and salary.


1. about 300 square meters of small and cozy sized hagwon located on the 6th floor of 7-story-building.


2. We are located in Yangsan, which is right next to Busan. There is a direct bus to Haeundae and Nopo subway station. (30 mins to the subway and 80 minutes to haeundae) It is a quiet and peaceful city with less population.


3. Working hour is 2pm to 9:30pm, Monday to Friday. Foreign teacher is off on national holidays. Teachers are given 6 classes (50 minutes long) each day with two sessions of 40 to 50 minutes break times. Target grades are grade 4 to 9 of elementary and middle school students.


4. Housing is provided for free. But there is 50,000 won maintenance fee + utility fee for water, gas, and internet)


5. Our starting pay is 2.7 million, but it is negotiatable depending on the applicant's ability and experience.


6. The expected starting date is the Jan.2nd.2020. The accepted teacher will do two days of OJT with the current foreign teacher before working.


7. total of 10 continuous days of vacation will be given after working 1 year.


We would like to have an interview with applicants who meet the following requirements.


1. Applicants must be legally able to get working permit from the government. Your certificate of graduation and criminal background check must be presented or checked before start working.


2. Applicants must be currently living in Korea with at least 1 full year of teaching experience.


3. You must be able to work at least 1 year. (Contract renewable after 1 year if both parties agree)


4. Medical check-up for applying visa is required. It will be paid by us.

Feel free to contact us by e-mail at dkpark3870@gmail.com or direct phone call at 010-5877-3870 (Denny, manager). If there is no answer, you can leave a message and you will be answered soon.



(P.S. If you are willing to ask questions about the job to the current teacher, contact Craig at 010-3373-5126)

    • 글자 크기

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