I don't want to have a sex with my girlfriend.

글쓴이2021.05.26 12:00조회 수 1399댓글 9

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You guys feel like this, too? 

I liked to sleep with her for the first month but after then I got bored.


It doesn't mean that I don't love her,

I still love her.

She is still lovely in my eyes. 

But I don't see her as the subject of sex anymore.

It's just like she's become my family member. 


People often say, the most attractive girl is a girl you've just met.

If you're gonna watch a movie for the first time then you'll be very interested.

You watch it later then you'll be less interested. You repeat it and eventually you don't wanna watch the movie anymore. 

But If you are told that Marvel is going to show a new film

you'll start to get interseted. You'll enjoy the new one very much.


You won't say that you don't like the first movie you'd watched for the first time. Because you actually liked it and you loved it. You'll recommend someone to watch it if the person hasn't watched it. But it doesn't mean you wanna watch it again.

It's just like that.


And she seems to think I love her less.

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