
[WANTED] Students for English Courses

이발님2019.02.14 18:35조회 수 119추천 수 1댓글 0

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상업적 홍보 금지(교내 스타트업의 프로모션글 제외)



For everyone interested in developing English Language Skills!


Currently, we have vacancies in our English Conversation Courses with passionate Korean students as well as international students willing to speak up for their Language Skills. These courses have a history of accepting variety of international students. Thus, this is the ideal opportunity for those wanting to get along with not only Korean students, also with students from various nations. In addition, the professor of the courses, James g. Lochhead, has a career of teaching English Conversation along with Practice Writing for a long time, which can guarantee you with beneficial feedbacks and self-developments in the future.




English Conversation(EG16100)


- Recommended for Freshmen Sophomore students


- Class 001: Mon/Wed 10:30~12:00, Education Building #2, 701-102


- Class 002: Tue/Thu 10:30~12:00, Education Building #2, 701-102




English Conversation(EG28513)


- Recommended for Junior – Senior students


- Class 001: Mon/Wed 09:00~10:30, Education Building #2, 701-102


- Class 002: Tue/Thu 09:00~10:30, Education Building #2, 701-102




Please find the information of the course enrollment above, and then apply for the course in the second Course Registration Period(15.Feb.19 10:00 A.M. ~ 18.Feb.19 05:00 P.M.).


    • 글자 크기
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