
납작한 자귀나무2020.05.27 21:12조회 수 224댓글 2

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* 반말, 욕설시 게시판 글쓰기 권한 영구 정지


I proved myself. I hope that the doubts and ridicule you had about me in the past were offset by the results I have acheived. I wish I had a chance to prove myself with my ability in the future. 

If you live tomorrow the same as today, you shouldn't expect another tomorrow. I've changed. Have you guys changed anything? Women seem to have become prettier. I'm in trouble. I hope we can meet in the future. opha ga mani sarang ha nun ga al ji?


Men, jealousy is the most evil emotion. 

It is a truly uncivilized idea to hate and wish to die just by someone's presence.

Money is the best in the capitalism. 


Think of making money when you're going after me.








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