수학과, 공대 분들 이 커리큘럼 어떤가요??

글쓴이2017.06.22 12:54조회 수 1049댓글 20

    • 글자 크기


  1. Limits and Continuity
    • calculations of limits
    • limit theorems
    • continuity at a point and on an interval
    • essential and removable discontinuities
    • Intermediate Value Theorem
  2. The Derivative
    • rates of change and tangent lines
    • differentiation from definition
    • differentiation formulas and rules
    • chain rule
    • implicit differentiation
    • higher derivatives
    • the differential and differential approximations
    • linear approximations
    • applications to related rates
  3. Inverse Functions: Exponential, Logarithmic and Inverse Trigonometric Functions
    • definitions, properties, and graphs
    • differentiation of logarithmic and exponential functions (any base)
    • logarithmic differentiation
    • differentiation of inverse trigonometric functions
    • applications to related rates
    • limits involving combinations of exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and inverse trigonometric functions
    • L'Hôpital's rule 
  4. Graphing and Algebraic Functions
    • increasing and decreasing functions
    • local extrema
    • Rolle's Theorem and Mean Value Theorem
    • curve sketching
    • concavity; inflection points
    • asymptotic behaviour; limits at infinity; infinite limits
    • applied maximum and minimum problems
    • antidifferentiation
    • rectilinear motion
  5. Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates
    • parametric representation of curves in
    • derivatives and tangent lines of functions in parametric form
    • tangent lines to graphs in polar form
    • definitions and relationships between polar and Cartesian coordinates
    • graphing of r = f(?)
  6. Optional Topics (included at the discretion of the instructor).
    • a formal limit proof (using epsilonics)
    • application of the absolute value and greatest integer functions
    • proofs of the rules of differentiation (differentiation formulas) for algebraic functions
    • proofs of the differentiation formulas for trigonometric functions from the definition of derivative
    • a proof of L'Hôpital's rule for the case of "0/0"
    • Newton’s Method






제가 다음 학기에 해외대학에서 들으려고하는 수학 과목인데  많이어렵나요???

이름만 들으면 어려워보이는데..

    • 글자 크기

댓글 달기

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