the day of atonement, yom Kippur

안일한 큰앵초2017.09.29 11:15조회 수 525댓글 3

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same as the day of Jonah's warnning against Nineveh,
before Jonah arrived the capital city, there was a great solar eclipse penetrating Nineveh.. so when Jonah arrived there preaching repentance, they truly repented from sin because of dreadful sign from heaven.

so likewise, After 40th days of the eclipse penetrating USA in October 21th, september 30th, that is the day of atonement according to Jewish calendar.

the day of atonement in Hebrews, Yom Kippur, means repentance from sin and great morning for sin.. humbled mind before god.

so my friends, it is last time.. there are already many great signs pointing last time. and many whatchmans' saying and witness also in a likewise..

may god bless you, bro.. turn yourself from sinful life and go to Jesus christ who died for your sin, shedding his blood. there is only one way to be made right with God, throgh Jesus christ, by placing our faith in jesus christ.

may god bless you korea, and be peace with you all.
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