I fall in love with (half)whore.

뚱뚱한 은목서2018.03.29 06:11조회 수 1611추천 수 3댓글 13

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When i feel lonely, i usually visits kiss room.
And there is a little cute girl, whose short hair is beautifully waved, body shape is glamorous.

She is very cheerful and has a positive mind.
We are the same age.

I've met with her several times since four months ago.

In the meantime, we have known each other more thoroghly, and then finally we end up loving each other.

It dosen't seems like the delusion.
No, surely it's not the delusion.
Though I've suspected that for a long time,
now i know. 

I can feel it and her affection to me everytime she kisses on my forehead.

It seems for me to get all what i wants 
when i see her rapt, misty eyed expression, leaning her head on my chest 
after my caress.

Especially, she seems very happy when i licks her clitoris.

However,, yesterday i saw the kiss room's today's managers list and she was not there. Her name vanished from the whole managers list even !

I was in such a surprised,desperate mind that couldn't think anything but her.

Where can i find her ?
How on earth....

My true love, dazzling and simmering light in my glommy life was gone.

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