
채용설명회: CITIC Dicastal, 5월 9일 문창회관.

손창영2019.05.07 07:03조회 수 149댓글 0

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※ Please understand that Information sessions and interviews are conducted in only Chinese.

주변의 중국인 능통자, 유학생들에게 많은 홍보 부탁드립니다.


※ 일정 및 시설 관련 문의: 부산대학교 취업전략과 김수영 주무관 (취업전략팀 TEL 051-510-1283~4)

   기업소개 및 채용 관련 문의: 부산대학교 금융대학원 TA 손창영 (TEL 010-5o48-o469)

CITIC Dicastal 2019 Global Campus Recruitment - Pusan




CITIC Dicastal Co., Ltd (the world's largest manufacturer of aluminum wheels and aluminum chassis components) Campus Recruitment Info Session will be held in Pusan National University.




Time: May 9, 2019. 5:30pm.


Location: 문창회관 2 다목적강의실2


At that time, the expert team of CITIC Dicastal will share the cutting-edge technology information of the manufacturing industry and unveil the company's future development plan. Dinner will also be served at the event.


We sincerely invite you and your friends to attend the Info Session!


Register for the event through this link: https://forms.gle/vLoBKJTsfygdnHc69


Send your resume to us: june.wang@intelliprogroup.com


Please name your email with school + degree + major + name form.




Introduction of the Company


Founded in October 1988, CITIC Dicastal Co., ltd. is the first aluminum wheel manufacturer in mainland China. It invested and incorporated by China CITIC group. CITIC Dicastal is the first Chinese company to be among the top 100 global auto parts companies with the title of the world's largest manufacturer of aluminum wheels and chassis parts.




l  Global customers include Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Toyota, GM, Ford and almost all the world's first-class automobile manufacturers.


l  The world's largest aluminum wheel supplier for 11 consecutive years.


l  Where there are cars in the world, there are wheels from Dicastal.


l  Ranked first in the field of Chinese auto parts export industry


l  Industry standard maker, led and participated in the formulation of more than 30 national standards and industrial standards, owning more than 5,400 patents.


l  Dicastal has 8 wholly-owned subsidiaries, 15 holding and share-holding enterprises and 25 production bases with 8 overseas production bases included.


l  Ranked 71 in the "global auto parts top 100" in 2018.






Recruitment Requirements




l  Target population


People graduate in 2019, 2020 or before with undergraduate, master, doctoral degree




l  Expected Major Category


Automobile                             Law


Machinery                              Finance


Material                                Language


Chemistry                               Philosophy


Industrial Engineering                    Management


Electrical Engineering




Electronic information engineering


Industrial design


Computer Science










时间:59日 17:30














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