
영어 비대면 스터디 (일기쓰기 / 기사번역) 스터디원 모집합니다

금잔화2021.10.05 21:25조회 수 283댓글 1

    • 글자 크기


카톡방에 매일 영어일기써서 올리고 (주제는 자유)

매주 1회 영문 기사를 읽고 번역해서 올리는 걸 주로 하고 있습니다.

흥미있으신 분 카톡아이디 chhree92로 카톡주시면 감사하겠습니다!

영어 실력과는 관계 없으니까 부담없이 연락주세요. 아래는 제가 쓴 글의 예시입니다 :)




An internet broadcaster (BJ), who is reportedly known to have done ‘drinking show(술먹방)’ as his main content of his show, accidentally turned his body over his dog, killing it. The incident happened when the guy was broadcasting his ‘drinking show’ with a camera on, after the BJ was drunk a lot and lay down on his bed with the dog. When the BJ turned his body over the dog, he seemed to be heavily drunk and unable to recognize what he was doing. The man had a huge, stocky-built body under which the dog was pressed. The dog was squirming and trying to escape, but couldn’t do it alone. He was later rescued by the BJ’s friend who was watching the show at that time and soon burst into the house to save it. He saved the dog and the show was off. Several days later, the BJ posted some notification. Unlike many fans’ wish, he pet ended up dying, according to the BJ’s announcement. He said “my dog crossed the rainbow bridge(it is a slang term in Korea which means some animal’s death), and I am so regretful about myself and shocked as well.” There were a lot of people watching the show, and they are angry about his carelessness.

I personally have a similar experience. When I was a new-born baby, my father went back home quite late, drunken. He lay down next to my mom and me, and pressed me with his leg without recognizing it. My mom luckily could be waken up by my suffering coughs and saved me. If she hadn’t been awake, I would have died at that young age.

Many Koreans underestimate the dangers of heavy drinking habit. It is true that drinking alcohol is part of human culture and we can’t live without the activity. But I want to emphasize the importance of keeping it in moderation. The rules are simple. First, we should try not to drink until we never control our bodies. Second, parents of young babies or small pets should be more careful about drinking at home. Third, we should not drink too frequently. (‘frequent drinking means different based on people but in my case, I think it’s over once a week.) 


    • 글자 크기

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