
[부산대 AI 콜로퀴엄 2024] 5/23(목) Mike Cherry 교수(미국 스탠포드대학교), Unlocking Biological Insights: Leveraging Comprehensive Databases for Advancements in Artificial Intelligence

AI대학원2024.05.13 16:00조회 수 32355댓글 0

    • 글자 크기

부산대 AI 콜로퀴엄 2024 1차 안내드립니다.

이번 콜로퀴엄에서는 미국 스탠포드대학교 Mike Cherry 교수님을 초청합니다.

관심 있는 분들의 많은 참석 바랍니다.


 - 오프라인 참석 사전 등록 : https://bit.ly/PNUAI-Colloquium-offline

 - 온라인 참가 신청 : https://bit.ly/PNUAI-Colloquium-online


-----이하 강연 정보-----

일시: 2024. 5. 23.(목오후 4:00-5:00
장소: 부산대학교 대학본부 3층 대회의실 및 온라인(Zoom)
주제: Unlocking Biological Insights: Leveraging Comprehensive Databases for Advancements in Artificial Intelligence
연사: Mike Cherry / 미국 스탠포드대학교 교수


강연 요약:

In this seminar, I will unveil the wealth of resources at our disposal, including the extensive data amassed by the ENCODE Consortium. Spanning over 12 years, this treasure trove encompasses a plethora of experimentsfrom RNA-Seq to ChIP-Seq and beyondeach adorned with standardized meta-data and freely accessible on a global scale.

Additionally, I will shed light on the Saccharomyces Genome Database, a repository of curated experimental findings on the budding yeast. Containing knowledge gleaned from published studies, this resource expands our understanding of genes, their functionalities, and interactionsinformation with profound implications for development and gene expression studies.

By liberating these indispensable databases to the scientific community, the Cherry Lab emboldens researchers and educators alike to delve deeper into the mysteries of the natural world, glean insights from existing research, and collectively propel the boundaries of scientific understanding forward.


연사 소개:

• 2024-Present: Professor (Emeritus) of Genetics, Stanford University

• 2013-2024: Professor of Genetics, Stanford University

• 2001-2012: Associate Professor of Genetics, Stanford University

• 1998-2001: Director, Stanford Microarray Database (PIs: David Botstein and Pat Brown)

• 1993-2001: Director and Chief Biocurator, Saccharomyces Genome Database (PI: David Botstein)

• 1993-1996: Head, Computing. Stanford DNA Sequence and Technology Center (PI: Ron Davis)

• 1988-1993: Director of Computing, Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital

• 1985-1988: Research Fellow in Genetics, Harvard University School of Medicine (Advisor: Jack Szostak)

• 1985: PhD, Molecular Biology, University of California, Berkeley


Dr. J. Michael Cherry, Professor Emeritus of Genetics at Stanford University School of Medicine, leads a diverse team focused on integrating biological knowledge and experimental results into accessible software/database environments. His lab oversees resources like the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) and participates in numerous projects, including the NIH ENCODE Data Coordination Center (DCC), the Gene Ontology Consortium (GOC), and the RegulomeDB project. Prioritizing expert curation of public research, his lab develops comprehensive datasets and analytical tools. Recently, they joined the Human Cell Atlas (HCA) project, contributing to metadata coordination, data wrangling, and outreach. His research spans bioinformatics, genomics, ontology development, and health informatics.





    • 글자 크기

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