Dissolve the mixture in an organic solvent, and extract with a dilute aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide or sodium bicarbonate, which will neutralize benzoic acid.
- mixture를 organic solvent에 용해하고 benzoic acid를 neutralize하는 NaOH 혹은 NaHCO3를 dilute aqueous solution에서 추출해라.
Napthalene will remain in the organic layer, and all the benzoic acid, now converted to the benzoate salt, will be in the aqueous layer.
-napthanlene과 benzoic acid는 organic layer에 남고 benzoic acid는 benzoate salt로 바뀌어 aqueous layer에 있게된다.
To recover benzoic acid, remove the aqueous layer, acidify it with dilute mineral acid, and extract with an organic solvent.
-benzoic acid를 다시 회복시키기 위해서 aqueous layer를 제거하고 dilute minerl acid로 acidify한 다음 organic solvent를 추출하면 된다.
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