
Any international student to contribute to Busan tourism?( reward: 400,000 won for 5 weeks)

ntrzom2019.08.23 09:45조회 수 170댓글 1

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It's over now!!!


You have to be PNU Student, not an exchange student!


This program is held by Busan Tourism Organization, and the goal is to visit Busan’s tour spots and provide some suggestions about how to improve them. It is to prepare for ‘Korea- ASEAN Special Summit’ held in November. You can check the attached file even though it’s written in Korean. We have 4 weeks for actual activities and 1 week for preparing presentation of what we achieved. (16 September~11 October)


We become a team of 1 Korean student and 1 international student. It is more about the perspective of  foreign students, so it is a great opportunity to reflect you opinion for improving Busan tourism!

Also, the Organization gives us 400,000 for the activity, it is even more a great chance. 


Application deadline is TODAY 08/23  23:OO P.M. , so contact me as soon as possible if you want to

do this! We have to write some plans and I’m working until 18:30 P.M.  I can check kakaotalk time to time, and it will be enough to fill the form after the work. ( By the way, mind the possibility that we will not be chosen haha)



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