
🎉Welcome to AIESEC in PNU Be a World Citizen IVY program🎉

호우~2022.04.30 16:29조회 수 68댓글 0

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상업적 홍보 금지(동문 기업의 프로모션글 제외)


🎉Welcome to AIESEC in PNU Be a World Citizen IVY program🎉1651303709943.png



















“Find Your Essence as a Global Leader”


<Be A World Citizen project>

- An online conference on understanding the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) and fostering a global citizenship attitude through an in-depth understanding of world peace and development!

- Based on SDGs 16 - Peace, Justice, and Strong Institution

- Learning about related topics through lectures, presentations, and video materials!

- Recognizing global issues and building the ability to communicate and the mind of global citizenship!


<IVY Volunteers>

- Incoming Volunteer for Youth, or IVY is an initiative by AIESEC to engage more young people living in Korea to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.

- AIESEC is an international youth-run organization that provides young people with leadership development, cross-cultural internships, and global volunteer exchange experiences.

- AIESEC strives to deliver positive influences and changes in Korean society with IVY volunteers.

- Particularly for our project, those who are interested in the issues regarding Human Rights, Environment, and World Peace


<Main Activities>

- Prepare and conduct global citizenship education in charge of Human Rights, Environment, or World Peace.

- Give students(participants) your lectures and engage them to participate in the conference actively through Q&A, discussion, and activities.

- Participate in all sessions with sincerity and responsibility


<Application Guideline>

1. Fill out the project application form

2. Have an interview with the organizing committee members


<Detailed schedule>

Welcoming Seminar: 7/11

Project Preparation Period: 7/12 ~ 7/31

Human Rights: 8/1

Environment: 8/2

World Peace 1: 8/3

World Peace 2: 8/8 

Online Campaign: 8/9

Debrief: 8/10


Are you interested in our project?


Fill out this interest form!


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