
Recruiting new tutors in Aloahtalk!

fasters32016.11.30 10:50조회 수 695댓글 0

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Recruiting new tutors in Aloahtalk!
We have made a network platform between English tutors and Korean students called Alohatalk.
1. What is Alohatalk? : It is basically teaching English to Korean students through one on one Skype sessions. There is no specific way to teach and you do not need any curricula.
2. How long? : Minimum 90 minutes per week. Reliability is important.
3. How much? : It will be noticed privately
4. Who is qualified? : People who are very fluent in English, no matter where you are from, even if you are Korean.
5. Anyone from another part of the world can teach if the time difference is still fine. Payment will be transferred through paypal.
The service will open from 5th.December
There is an introduction of our service and the guideline for the tutors
If you are interested in joining us or finding out more information, please contact us.
Alohatalk website : www.alohatalk.net
Phone : 010-3764-6348
Kakao : prolohz
Email : fasters7@hanmail.net
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