The minor works you did long before can lead to your success.

살벌한 사랑초2018.05.09 17:19조회 수 815추천 수 1댓글 3

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2018-05-09 17.31.42.png : The minor works you did long before can lead to your success.2018-05-09 17.34.17.png : The minor works you did long before can lead to your success.2018-05-09 17.34.48.png : The minor works you did long before can lead to your success.2018-05-09 17.41.18.png : The minor works you did long before can lead to your success.2018-05-09 16.23.41.png : The minor works you did long before can lead to your success.2018-05-09 16.24.00.png : The minor works you did long before can lead to your success.The minor works you did long before - whether you can remember it until now or not - can lead to your victory or future success.

Sometimes, we are disappointed by the failure even though we've strained to make a success of something. 

But, it is my belief, that our lives are orginally filled with many failures, and which fact will continue in the rest of our lives,  But those failures will have an effect in our furture collectively.

Someone's love affair is the same thing.

Unless you are handsome or delectable by nature, the failure of your love is the natural thing.

But trials and tribulations make us strong. 
By the failure, we'll learn more and more, and someday we can find ourselves more mature, knowledgeable about love.

Human is the getting better things, not perpect things.

Keep your composure.

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정때문에 사귀는 커플 있나요 (by 신선한 아까시나무) 피부때메 죽고싶네요 (by 무심한 해국)

댓글 달기

  • 읽기힘드노
  • 2번째줄 sometime -> sometimes
    our lives is -> our life is / our lives are
    filled with many failure -> filled with many failures
    and which fact -> and which in fact
    여기까지 읽다가 더 읽기 싫네...공부 더 해와
    아니면 글 쓸때마다 조금씩 봐줄게
    and your title is about how our everyday life endeavors will help us in later life but in the paragraph what you are actually talking about is 'keep trying you will succeed sometime, somehow'. i do see the strings you are trying to connect but maybe you should try to get more deep into detail, giving more examples on how actually the 'minor works' help later.

    also, I revised your conclusion sentence to something more expressive and grammatically right.
    "Humans are developing beings who learn and make progress from their mistakes; they are not born perfect"

    like as you said, people are not perfect from the start; it takes many mistakes and failures to take it to the next level. keep it up

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